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Here's What You'll Get:
  • 5 Days of Incredibly Valuable, Online Photography Business Training that teaches you my formula to earning more without taking on more sessions (Value = $497)
  • ​⭐️ DAY 1 - The 6-Figure Photography Business Formula: Discover my proven business formula and show you how to efficiently scale your business without burning yourself out. 
  • ​⭐️ DAY 2 - Reframing Mindset Blocks & Amplifying Your Worth: Learn how to crush those mindset obstacles take a deep dive into the art of increasing the value of your services – because you're worth so much more than you might believe.
  • ​⭐️ DAY 3 - Mastering Your Pricing Strategy: The 8 most common pricing mistakes that are sabotaging your bookings and sales (and how to fix them).
  • ​⭐️ DAY 4 - Identifying Your Dream Client: Uncover the who, what, and where of your dream client like you've never done before. These are the golden nuggets that shape your marketing strategy and tailor your service into one they can't resist.
  • ​⭐️ DAY 5 - Supercharge Your Marketing With Strategies That Work: It's time to take control of your marketing (or lack thereof)! Learn the exact strategies hundreds of other photographers have used to secure quick bookings for immediate revenue AND lay the foundation for long-term, consistent leads in the future. 
  •  BONUS: My exclusive Business Calculator that tells you exactly what you need to earn per session (and so much more) ($97)
  •  BONUS: The Mindset Shift PDF that reframes your mindset limitations & unlocks the hidden key to success ($197)
  • ​Start the training immediately. Dive in as soon as you checkout!
"Please take Gaby Chung’s course!!!! My last sale was $5200. Totally worth it and the knowledge fantastic. I don’t need a ton of clients or need to be “busy”. So freeing. Plus I love creating beautiful albums and wall art for my clients and seeing and hearing how much they love their images instead of hardly hearing back after I used to deliver an online gallery."

- Katie L. Colorado
"Yes, I also will say take Gaby’s course!! I went from making about $6-700 per session to an average of over $2000 and my highest being $3800! I have fewer clients but it’s freeing to not be sitting at a computer editing all day long for so little."

- Kelly K. Virginia

Your Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee

If you don't find value in the training, contact me within 365 days and I'll refund your payment in full - no questions asked. That's how confident I am!

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Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.
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